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Izvor: Hrvatsko nazivlje u matematici
Prijeđi na navigaciju Prijeđi na pretraživanje
  • Wolfram MathWorld
  • iCoachMath
  • Zdravko Kurnik: Terminološki problemi u nastavi matematike, Miš, broj 55, godina 11, 2010.
  • Matea Bolšec, Maja Škrlec, Marija Gudelj: MATEMATIČKI RJEČNIK ZA OSNOVNU ŠKOLU
  • Algebra e-book The Algebra e-book is a hyperlinked electronic textbook on high school and college-level algebra. The topics range from pre-algebra (prime numbers, least common multiples, etc.), through functions, logarithms, exponents, trigonometry, equations, systems of equations, all the way to complex numbers.
  • Math is Fun "We offer mathematics in an enjoyable and easy-to-learn manner, because we believe that mathematics is fun. The site aims to cover the full Kindergarten to Year 12"